Expert help for a profitable SaaS product engine

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Product Engine

/ˈpraa·duhkt en·jnˈ/


The specialized functions that combine to power SaaS products:

Product, UX, Engineering, Data, AI, and Revenue Enablement


Prodyssey is focused on SaaS companies that have built a good business with ~5 to 75 Million in ARR but are on a growth plateau or nearing one if the product can't create new growth opportunities.

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Targeted services to navigate the product problems common to many companies that hit this stage when raising more capital is not a good near term option.


The Prodyssey Framework - created through deep experience across all key "Product Engine" disciplines during pivots to profitable growth and sustaining it afterwards.

The Prodyssey Framework

Our trenches-tested approach to SaaS Product, UX, Engineering, Data, AI, and Revenue Enablement for Profitable Growth

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Software Product Development is Like a Farm

Most people think software product development works like a factory, but a family farm is a much better metaphor.

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Software Product Development is Different from Contract Development

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The Jurassic Park Problem

Every SaaS company will eventually have to confront the challenge of user bending the system outside of its intentions to get their work done. How will you incorporate this behavior into your plan?

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